The power of words

Step into a world where language dissolves, yet kindness resonates. Art installation by artist Tania EA (Tania Esponda Aja) seamlessly blends nature and art, crafting unfamiliar words from eco-friendly materials that radiate warmth, transcending linguistic boundaries to touch the heart.

Through the artist's unique typographic language, vibrant red words weave emotions and meanings, prompting inquiries about the core of language. Can kindness go beyond words? Is understanding the key to the influence of these words, or do they transcend comprehension? The artist poses this question.

In this fusion of striking reds (a color that symbolizes LOVE ) and lush greens from nature, the installation showcases the enduring strength of emotions, symbols, and the resilience of the human spirit. We extend a gentle invitation: let us share the artist's hidden language of kindness with you. Seek the words whispered in this mysterious haven and immerse yourself in the emotions they evoke. Within this language of love, connection, and compassion, we discover that the true power of words resides within us all.

Don´t miss this installation during Art Basel Miami 2023 commissioned by Bal Harbour Village along the 102nd Street Beach access path from December 4th to the 10th.

Words hugging trees

The words "Love," "Hope," "Joy," "Beauty," and "Inspire," are delicately crafted from sustainable felt. These words, intricately cut, adorn the trees, embracing them like gentle, colorful hugs. This artistic choice transcends language barriers, communicating a powerful message even to those who might not comprehend the literal meaning. The act of these words "hugging the trees" serves as a profound metaphor, symbolizing the unity between humanity and nature, as well as the universal emotions that bind us all. It's a poignant reminder that love, hope, joy, beauty, and inspiration are languages understood by the heart, fostering a deep connection with the environment and the world around us.

Wishing trees 

The "Wishing Trees" segment of this installation paints a beautiful tapestry of cultural significance. Hanging from every branch, vibrant red ribbons (that will be repurposed) carry heartfelt messages with the words "Love," "Hope," "Joy," "Beauty," and "Inspire" inscribed upon them with the artist's message of kindness. This tradition of adorning trees with red ribbons resonates globally, embodying diverse meanings. In some cultures, these ribbons serve as hopeful pleas, transforming the trees into wishing trees where dreams take flight. For others, they symbolize prayers to saints or acts of seeking good fortune and in Kabbalah, red ribbons act as a protection against evil eye. This kaleidoscope of intentions enriches the understanding of the words written on the ribbons, infusing them with the depth of human aspiration, reverence, and interconnectedness across cultures and time.

Eco.Friendly Graffitis

In harmony with the installation's ethos, eco-friendly graffiti adorns the surroundings, crafted from sustainable vinyl that leaves no ecological footprint. As well as 3D printed wall sculptures, intricately shaped from biomaterials, and a sustainable Mural. These vibrant, environmentally conscious expressions echo the installation's core sentiments of love, hope, joy, beauty, and inspiration. This serves as a tangible reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things, embodying the installation's message in every curve and contour. Together, these artistic expressions form a tapestry of eco-conscious creativity, enveloping visitors in a transformative experience that speaks to the heart while honoring the environment.

Augmented Reality Sculptures

Amidst the natural wonders of this art installation, augmented reality sculptures emerge. Originally crafted from steel, these sculptures intricately embody the words and messages that the installation conveys. However, their unveiling is a truly innovative experience, by scanning a QR code the sculptures come to life through augmented reality. The fusion of technology with the organic beauty of nature creates a mesmerizing spectacle, immersing viewers in a world where words transcend physical forms.

Hand painted floor words path

The walking path within this art installation is not just a physical journey but a profound odyssey of the soul. Framed by the eloquent words written in the artist's typography "Love," "Joy," "Hope," "Beauty," and "Inspire," this path winds its way through the heart of the installation, guiding visitors with a trail of inspirational words and a message of boundless kindness. Each step becomes a reminder of the power of love, the contagious joy of existence, the unwavering hope that lights our way, the timeless beauty found in every corner of the natural world, and the endless inspiration that surrounds us.

The materials used for this exhibition will be recycled into new artwork, leave your email if you wish to know when the collection is ready: